
Delta Force Paintball Charity

Delta Force is a firm believer in supporting the local community it operates in.

Throughout the year Delta Force will conduct various fundraising initiatives to assist worthy causes in raising much-needed funds.

In addition, we would also like to donate designer paintball tickets to any Australian charity that wants a unique and fun way to raise money. The tickets normally retail for $79.95, but we are giving them away for free to Australian-based charitable institutions.

Your charitable institution can put the tickets to use in any number of ways: you can auction off or sell the tickets for fundraising or raffles, or give them away as prizes to people who donate money to your cause.

All you need to do in order receive the tickets is contact us with a written request. Upon receipt, we will review your request and send out the tickets. It really is as simple as that!

In previous years we have supported numerous worthy causes, including the building of a school in Malawi (named after us ‘The Delta Palms School’) and have raised funds for the RSPCA.